Friday, January 11, 2019

Online shopping case

Case - Online Shopping

The telephone agent uses an order registry and customer catalog to obtain access to an order & a customer respectively.  The order registry uses an order number as a qualifier to select particular order instance. A customer catalog uses customer name and phone number as a qualifier to select particular customer.  The attributes of an order are the order numbers and time when it is placed. The order consists of many items. An item has item_number, a quantity, unit price. It also has reference to catalog item which represents listing.  When an order is cancelled or committed, it cancels or commits each of its items first.  When an order’s total price method is invoked, the order calls the total price method of each of items and returns the sum.

Activity Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Specification

Brief Description – This describe how customer going to shop online.
Actors -  Customer, Telephone officer
Precondition – System should be up and available, Items should be present onliine
Basic flow
        Customer visit the website online
        Customer search for the item and selects
        Customer confirms on the selected item
        Item price, quantity and unit will get displayed.
        After confirmation total sum will displayed.
        Payment Process selection ( by Cash on delivery, debit or by Credit card).
        Order ID and Time will get generated.
Alternate flow
1. Customer cancels the selected item
        Resume from the search option
2. Customer cancels at the transaction page
·                           Will get on the selected item page
3. When the system is down
        Error message will get displayed “Sorry for the inconvenience. Please visit after some time”

This is an very popular and efficient way to shop nowadays. With increasing popularity, ease of availability, great discount on the product, etc, more and more people are using this for shopping. While there is segment of customers who believe in touch and feel of the product. Online shopping have also benefited to small retailer who do not afford to setup shop. Overall its a win-win situation for both customer and retailer to use this platform.

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