Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Point of Sale Terminal Management System

Case - Point of Sale Terminal Management System

Construct a design element for Point of sale terminal management system that can be used for buying and selling of goods in the retail shop.

When the customer arrives at the post check point with the items to purchase. The cashier records each item, price and adds the item information to the running sales transaction. The description and price of the current item are displayed. On completion of the item entry the cashier informs the sales total and tax to the customer. The customer chooses payment type (cash, cheque, credit or debit).After the payment is made the system generates a receipt and automatically updates the inventory. The cashier handovers the receipt to the customer.

Activity Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Specification

Brief Description – This describe how customer going to POS terminal for purchase of item.
Actors -  Cashier, Customer, Inventory person
Precondition – System should be up and available
Basic flow
         Customer visit the shop
         Customer select the items for purchase and go for checkout
         Cashier scan and record each item.
         Cashier generates total and compute tax
         Customer pays the amount by Cash, cheque, debit or by Credit card.
         Cashier generates receipt and give to the customer.
Alternate flow
1. Cutomer do not have Money for purchase
         Discard the transaction
2.Inventory Updation
         After Payment process system will automatically update the inventory
         If inventory is less then system automatically indicate to place for an order
3.Whwn the POS system is down
         Then Cashier need to manually record the item and the payment has to be done by cash.


POS is an effective tool to automate the payment checkout processes faster and efficiently which provides great customer experience. It is used in almost every Retail shop, Restaurant, Supermarket, Hospital, etc,. With the advent of new technologies this system will definitely undergo many changes which will change the way of today's current process and will make it more easier.


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